Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tattle-tales in my house! Oh, please, say it ain't so!

My kids are tattling on each other.  A LOT!  It makes me a little nuts.  I do not want to hear every single perceived infraction.  She did this.   He said that.  Because she was going to do X-Y-Z.  For heavens sake!  Stop acting like children!  Oh, wait!  You are children.  Ooooo-kay, I need to deal with this.

Growing up, if we fought and went running to my mom to tell, she'd say to us, “well, just go and say sorry to . . . (whichever of us was the offender).”  Umm, wait, you want me to apologize to . . . , but they're the one who hurt my feelings/took my toy/pushed me/whatever.  How does that work?  Why am I saying sorry to them?  They did ME wrong!  Apparently, when my mom was growing up, her mom, my grandma Louise, did the same thing.  Is there something to it?

This morning, for whatever the reason, Ryan felt an injustice had been done and he was going to tell me about it.   “Mommy, ____ did ______(fill in the blanks).”  So I turned to him and said, “go tell her you're sorry.”  He turns and starts running down the hall, “______, I'm sor - . What?  Mommy!  She did it.  Why do I have to say sorry?”  I had an internal chuckle.  He was really peeved at me and kept trying to get me to scold his sister.   I want them to sort it out with each other, without a referee.

When altercations occur, and I'm being told about them, my first question is usually, “are you bleeding?”  If the answer is no, my response is, “well then, go sort it out.”  There are times I need to get involved, obviously, but my kids need to learn to resolve things without the expectation that I am always going to intervene.

So, am I teaching them/giving them the skills they need to do this with each other?  I hope so.  There are days where I will catch them dealing with each other in a most positive manner, and figuring it out.  Yay, this is good.   There are days, much like the last three or four, where, every-freaking-five-minutes they are yelling at me about it.   I want to just yell back, “enough already!”  But I know that won't work.

So, deep breath, and another deep breath, and let's sort this out.  If your brother/sister hurt your feelings, tell them so.  If you hurt your brother/sister's feelings, please apologize.  Can we please try and get along with each other?  (Mommy and daddy are not planning on any more kids, so you're all you've got – BE NICE!!!).  Keep your hands to yourselves.  Try to ignore the pesty things your younger sibling/s do/does.  And, my all time favourite, if you are tattle-tale, it's not going to be easy making friends.  Kids don't like it when others tell on them.  Even my own children get riled up when one or the other is tattling on them.

Am I getting it right?  Again, I hope so.  I'm doing the best I can in each circumstance, I think.  I am grateful for the increased dose of patience I am currently receiving.  I am blessed each day by my children, the love that pours out from them to me, to each other, and my love for them growing daily.  Being a mom is so great, even on the hardest, most trying, days.

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