Thursday, September 13, 2012

Perfect mornings . . .

Week two.  Of school.  Of life changes.  Of walking again - back and forth to school.  Our mornings are like a perfectly choreographed ballet - NOT!  I leave the house feeling like a chicken with it's head cut off.  Heading in a direction towards school and hoping we get there intact.  I almost want to make myself a checklist at the door.

Stroller - check.
Lunches - check.
Backpacks - check.
Jackets - check.
Water bottles - check.
MP3 player - double check.
All three kids - check, check, and check.
Where's the cat? 

What the heck?  How did he get out again?  And now I'm running down the street like a crazy woman chasing my escapee kitty who's acting like he's been possessed by demons.  Have you ever tried to catch a hissing, biting, scratching, fuzzed-out, wide/wild eyed creature with razor sharp claws and teeth to match?  It's just so much fun I want to put a candle on it and sing "Happy Birthday" to add the giggles.

Caught the cat, kids sorted, and we're on our way.  The sun is shining brightly and it warms my face and I take a moment to breathe.  And then, SMACK!  Right into a spider web.  This is part where I start looking like a crazy woman again.  Or a deranged ninja on crack.  Choice words running through my head.  Full body pat down to find the offending arachnid.  Kids doubled over laughing at me.  Ungrateful little beings.  Maybe I should have stopped next to the guy toking on the sidewalk and asked him for a drag (not really, it was bad enough walking through his haze).

On the way home, it's just me and my "babes", Ava.  Her cold little fingers in my hand, pushing the stroller with one hand.  Stopping every ten seconds to pick a flower or a leaf or look at a bug or an airplane or a colour or "look there's a squirrel!"  Good times.

I am going to do my best to cherish these days with Ava because they are going to go by so fast and before I know it she'll be in kindergarten.  Grateful for the time I get to spend one on one with my littlest.

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