Sunday, April 8, 2012

Aches and pains and a job well done . . .

I love the feeling of a job well done.  When you put your mind to doing something or are required to get something done by a certain time.  Like, cleaning a garage that had stuff dumped into it on a regular basis since 1992.  That's when my husband, Jim, bought and moved into our house.  A few years of nephews rooming with him, family members moving, and us getting married, and the garage is overflowing.  Really and truly.

We had stacks of boxes, furniture piled precariously high, abandoned textbooks, empty fish tanks?, assorted bit and pieces of things that no longer work.  How do we end up with so much stuff?  I don't consider myself a hoarder, and I don't think Jim is either, but between the two of us and the kids, and everybody's leftover things, we cannot even get the car into the garage.  Seems as though we are, quite literally, bursting at the seams.

So back the question of how we've ended up will all this stuff?  Cause that's what it is, stuff.  It's not going to make or break our lives to have it or not have it.  I think that my husband is sometimes too kind.  He didn't feel like he could just toss things that were not his.  I would have liked to have just called 1-800-GOT JUNK and just emptied the entire contents.  I realized soon into our marriage that I wouldn't be able to get away with doing that, so I've just sat patiently (but not necessarily quietly) and waited.  About two years ago we brought up with family members the whereabouts of their possessions.  We put them on notice, so to speak.  Just kindly let them know that we would be cleaning out the garage and did they think they may want to come and gather their things.  I figure, two years to come and get it and you don't, adios!

When my dad offered to build shelves for us, I was ready.  Took a bit of convincing with Jim, but I got him on side with the process.  It meant that he had a deadline.  Time to roll up the sleeves and get down to business.  We've been picking away it for few weeks now and yesterday was the big get down and dirty day.  Ruthless, we were!

I woke up this morning feeling twice my age.  Aches and pains in places I forgot could have aches and pains.  I have scratches, at what point in the day did I get them?  I have bruises, I don't know how they happened.  And my skin on my face and neck feels tingly and warm.  I got a sunburn.  Was I even out long enough for that to happen?  Must have been.  An entire day of pushing, pulling, lifting, moving, sweeping, packing, stacking.  Oh, and I planted some pansies, hung my wind chimes, put in a forsythia bush, planted a heather, painted a table for the girls' room, went to Wal-mart to buy more paint when I ran out, cleaned the tub, and got a haircut.  I think that was everything.  Reading all that, it's no wonder I'm feeling so exhausted.  But, again, job well done.  Ready for tomorrow.  Another day of hard work ahead of us, but it is so worth it.

I am so grateful that I have a body that can do this work.  I am physically able to take on these tasks.  The aches and pains remind me I am alive.  I am capable.  Bring it on, I can do it.  I might not move so well the next day, but it'll get done.

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