Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Crispy mornings . . .

Cold crisp mornings.  Frosty leaves crunching underfoot.  A hint of sunshine that barely warms my face.  The colours abound and I have to use the word love.  I love mornings like this.  It's so cold I can see my breath, but the promise of warmth from a sun barely over the mountains keeps me walking.  Down our street, past the reds, yellows and oranges.   The leaves at the top reflecting the sunlight off of them, all sparkly from the frost.

I really like fall.  I can pull out all my favourite soup and stew recipes (kids really like cream of broccoli).  I get to wear my cozy sweaters and fleece pants.  Snuggle a little closer with my kids and hubby.  Good times.

The other morning was so beautiful.  It was as though I was walking down a road paved in gold.  The trees lining the street all had turned their leaves the most beautiful shades of yellow.  They covered the sidewalks and road and then the sun was overhead and it was almost overwhelming.  As though my eyes could not take in all the yellow.  I just stood there and soaked it in.  Then the wind picked up wee bit and I was breathless.  Just yellow.  Everywhere.  Under my feet and around me.  I was having a moment.  Struck by the beauty that I was being blessed with on such a chilly morning.

It got me thinking about God's love for us.  We might not always see it or feel it or even be aware that He love us so much.  He is always there, ever present, faithful.  Watching over us, around us, and under our feet.

I said a prayer of thanks and with a renewed sense of joy made my way home.  Grateful for the blessing of seasons that change and the beauty we get see in each day.

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