Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Clean Fridge or Where did I put . . .?

I cleaned my fridge. No, I really, really, really, cleaned my fridge.

I remember helping my mom do this when I was a kid. Not a quick task.

We start with the emptying of the entire contents of the fridge and scatter them on every available surface of the kitchen. Fill kitchen sink with warm soapy water. Don't get distracted emptying fridge while water is running as this can lead to unnecessary mopping (nuff said).

Take all shelves and drawers out of the fridge and (try to) wash in the warm soapy water. This is almost equal to trying to bathe an elephant in a standard bathtub – doesn't quite fit. This can also lead to unnecessary mopping.

At this point, I am soaking wet. From the sink, from sweat, or a combination of both. Time to scrub the inside of the fridge. What is that and how did those get there are questions running through my mind as I go into “elbow grease” mode. I know that it was my husband who put too much congee (boiled rice soup) in a too small container. Not the most pleasant of stuck on foods to try and remove.

And how is it that gravity is not applicable to sauces/syrups? It literally crawls out of the jars it is in and takes over those door shelves. You know the ones.

Part of the reason for my fridge clean was an excerpt I saw on Dr.Oz. It was about making your house/kitchen/fridge work for you. And how, by reorganizing things in different ways, you can help yourself be healthier and maybe even thinner. We'll see how it works.  I could certainly do with thinner.

As much as I dislike this chore, it is so nice to open the door and see sparkly clean. I should do it more often and then, perhaps, it would not be quite so bad.  A job well done. I cleaned my fridge. Now to make lunch for my kids. Ummm . . . where'd I put that jar of mayo?

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